Conventional Element
How is it used in Action/Adventure films?
The protagonist of a story is often called the main character. The plot revolves around the protagonist. There may be more than one main character. Protagonists are the good heroes of the films, they are usually are represented as being confident, reliable, special, and the hero of the story, also stereotypically handsome. They usually wear bright colours, which symbolizes its arises from its powerful association in stories, this also signifies passion, danger and warnings.
They have different costumes which associates the warm and positive colours that tells us they have a good personality, associating with the most physical needs.
The antagonist is the character who represents a challenge or an obstacle to the protagonist in a story. In some stories, the antagonist is not a person! The antagonist is used as the bad villains, who destroys their relationship with others in order to take revenge . They are represented as being selfish, dishonest, and bad because of their costume and facial expressions.
They usually wear dark colours such as the colour black and purple. These colours are often used to portray something evil, depressing and scary. It is also a very powerful colour that portrays elegance and wealth, It is also a negative colour which appeals to the audience that there is something bad going on.
Action scenes (car chases, races, battles)
In action adventure Scenes are important to an Action Adventure film audience. They are usually the scenes that audiences enjoy the most as they create the most excitement. Action scenes are what audiences associate with watching Action Adventure films.
Action Adventure films often made violence look unrealistic with heroes being massively bigger, scary opponents and still winning fights. Action Adventure heroes would suffer punishment that would seriously injure or kill people in the real world and yet they would often survive with minor or no injuries. Action Adventure films often made violence look attractive by being exciting and often funny.
Plot is not just what happens in a story. Rather, plot is a pattern of cause and effect or conflicts upsetting a situation. Plot is characters responding to those conflicts into some form of resolution.
Similarly, the plot in a film is not just what happens. The theme or message is the main point or points that the viewer draws from the way the characters respond to the obstacles or resolve the conflict in the film.
The locations are used in action adventure films to show the setting of the film, where the film is located and the scenes going on. Action Adventure films shoot scenes in some exotic or far away locations that most people would have never visited. This makes the films more attractive as the audiences can see countries that they will never probably have seen in real life. However, some action adventure films are displayed in cities which are commonly known.
Sound tracks are often as complicated as the image on the screen. Background music is used to add emotion and rhythm to a film. Usually not meant to be noticeable, it often provides a tone or an emotional attitude toward the story and/or the characters. This also views the understanding by linking scenes. It also builds tension and creates suspense for the audience, knowing what's happened.
Camera shots are used to demonstrate different aspects of a film's setting, characters and themes. Camera shots are very important in shaping meaning in a film.
Camera angles are used to position the viewer so that they can understand the relationships between the characters. It very important for shaping meaning in film as well as in other visual texts.
Mise en Scene
Mise en scene refers to all the objects and characters in a particular frame. More specifically, it refers to the composition of the frame. When you use the term mise en scene, you are discussing where the setting is held to show the audience. This includes – the setting and the actors; it includes costumes and make-up, props.
Editing is a way to form a narrative, both in the making and the viewing of a film. Editing speeds up the shooting process in ways outlined earlier it speeds up the viewing process by creating a rhythm of forward action. Editing describes the relationship between shots and the process by which they are combined.
This terminology is used in a way of categorizing a particular media texts according to its context and style,it adopts the codes and conventions of other texts in the same genre,For example, the TV programme 'doctor who' and a comic book the' incredible hook' can both be categorized as a science fiction.
Representation is when the way people,places,and events are portrayed in the media and the message it sends.When representing a person media often focuses on their:age, gender, ethnicity, job,culture and nationality.To represent also means to symbolise,stand for,for example when you see a sign you can relate it to something, which represents it. Things can be described as re-presentation of things, so the media can represent the world.